Nichols North Trailhead to Pierce Road
7 miles: 97.5 miles total
7 miles: 97.5 miles total
5.5 miles: 90.5 miles total
A week of brutally hot weather kept me off the trail–even I don’t want to hike when the heat index approaches 100! So I picked up where I left off when things cooled down a bit. I began with a short diversion to the Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary , just a short distance off the trail. Mid July isn’t the best time to see wildflowers, but I enjoyed exploring the marshy area of Loda Lake near it’s outlet.
5.5 miles: 85 miles total
Not every day on the trail can be a great day. I always enjoy hiking through the woods, so this was a good day. But not much caught my eye and I only came up with one shot I want to share–so a good but not a great day.
6.5 miles: 79.5 miles total
I continued my hike along the North Country Trail through the Manistee National Forest near White Cloud, Michigan.
7 miles: 73 miles total
Life got busy and I took an unplanned break from my project for 10 days. I skipped a couple of road miles and picked up the trail at the Twinwood Lake National Forest campground just south of White Cloud.
9 miles round trip: 64 miles total
I continued my hike through the varied terrain of the southeast section of the Manistee National Forest. The wide variety of habitats yielded the best photographic results of my project so far!
2 miles round trip: 55 miles total
The southeast fringes of the Huron-Manistee National Forest are a patchwork quilt of forest land and private holdings. The National Forest itself is a mix of regenerating hardwood forest, pine plantations, and open savannah. My second day of hiking in this section was quite short so I didn’t get a lot of photo opportunities. But I’m enjoying the discipline of trying to find something new each day.
3 miles round trip: 53 miles total
After a long stretch of road miles north of the Rogue River State Game Area, the North Country Trail begins to pass through land held by the Huron-Manistee National Forest just below the Croton dam on the Muskegon River.
I invited my assistant, Alex, to join me for this afternoon hike and she was kind enough to capture this video. Gosh I look old!
10 miles round trip: 50 miles total
The next day I completed my hike through the Rogue River State Game Area. If June 6 was notable for the wildlife I saw, today was all about wildflowers.
5 miles round trip: 40 miles total
After almost a week’s break, I returned to the trail where it passes through the Rogue River State Game Area. This area preserves about 6,000 acres of river flood plain, lowland and upland forests. It’s managed to create habitat and recreational opportunities for a variety of wildlife. Target shooting is permitted year-round and on the weekend I was passing through gunfire was a somewhat disconcerting constant. I eventually realized it all seemed concentrated in one location on the far side of the Rogue River so I don’t think there is much danger if you stick to the trail.
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